Monday, February 8, 2010

Introducing "Risky Fiction"

I have been debating with myself for quite sometime now about a little problem I have.

The problem is this: I've got so much family-oriented material on this blog that that I get anxious about posting any of my grown-up stuff here. Pretty much rules out a great deal of what I've been writing lately, should I happen to want to post any of that stuff.

Plus, I am seriously considering taking part in the Mad Utopia madness that is #FridayFlash. This entails writing flash fiction stories of 1000 words or less, posting them to your blog and then tweeting about them on Twitter.

This madness takes place every Friday in Twitterverse.

If I get involved in this, and I thinking more and more that I will, I don't want to post my stories on Identified Flying Lenticulars for several reasons, the most important one being that my #FridayFlash stories will probably tend to be more adult-oriented. A second reason is that I just thought a separate space for my #FridayFlash stories would be a good thing.

I'd like to introduce Risky Fiction.

This is my latest blog and it will be where I display my fiction and poetry that's for grown-up eyes, mostly Rated R stuff.

So when you click that link to the right, just be aware of what you might encounter.

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